They that hope in the LORD will renew their strength, they will soar on eagle's wings; They will run and not grow weary, walk and not grow faint. Isaiah 40:31
Pray for Us - Pray for our retreatants, donors, benefactors, volunteers, visitors and our EWRC staff and board of directors.
Visit Eagle’s Wings Retreat Center - Call us today to schedule a tour.
Promote Eagle’s Wings Retreat Center to your parish organizations to use our facilities and to do service projects at Eagle’s Wings.
Become a Friend of Eagle's Wings volunteer community - There are many ways to get involved. Share your time and organizational talents to help with events and retreats. Join a dedicated activity team or help the Eagle's wings staff with your unique skills.
Communicate the goals of Eagle’s Wings to others.
Yes, we need treasure, also! (i.e. fundraiser event at your parish, names of key individuals that might share our passion for a retreat center for our youth, second collections through pulpit talks, and financial support through parish organizations).
Eagle's Wings provides a safe, clean environment for all people of faith to reconnect with God. As our retreat offerings and services have expanded, so have our operating costs. In order to maintain retreat fees at the most affordable levels possible for retreatants, we rely heavily on the generosity of our extended family of volunteers and charitable donors to meet our critical needs.
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